Mumbai: Actor Abhay Deol on Wednesday said he has begun work on a dark comedy film titled “Nanu Ki Jaanu”, which also stars Patralekhaa.
“Started work on a new film. A dark comedy, my favourite genre ‘Nanu Ki Jaanu’,” Abhay tweeted.
He also shared a poster of the film, which is being directed by Faraz Haider and produced by Inbox Pictures.
It’s said to be an after life love story and is slated to hit the screens next year in April.
Last seen in 2016 hit comedy “Happy Bhaag Jayegi”, Abhay has “Rock the Shaadi” and “Bounty Hunter” in his kitty.
He also has Tamil film “Idhu Vedhalam Sollum Kadhai”, in which he plays King Vikramadityan.
The project, which he has produced, also marks his Tamil debut.