New Delhi: After the abduction of three policemen posted at the residence of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Karia Munda, the leader said the objective of the Pathalgarhi supporters was to establish their dominance.
“There is no doubt that they were from ‘Pathalgarhi’ community. They had come here to find someone. Their motive is to paralyse police administration to establish their (Pathalgarhi) rule,” he told ANI.
Karia further noted that more security must be provided in that area.
Three policemen posted at Karia’s residence were abducted on Tuesday.
Initial investigation suggested that supporters of ‘Pathalgarhi’, a movement to declare certain geographical areas as self-governed by putting up stones, were responsible for the abduction.
On a related note, a search operation is underway for the missing policeman. (ANI)