New Delhi: In connection with the alleged suicide of a woman party worker, Aam Aadmi Party MLA Sharad Chauhan and seven others were arrested on Saturday night. The volunteer accused Ramesh Bhardwaj, believed to be a close associate of Narela MLA Chauhan, of sexual harassment and committed suicide about two weeks ago. Bhardwaj, the prime suspect in the case, was arrested from Sonepat in Haryana.
The woman, who alleged that the accused was being protected by the MLA, consumed poison at her home in northwestern Delhi’s Narela and died during treatment at LNJP Hospital on July 19. Chauhan had earlier been questioned about his links with Bhardwaj and two other alleged AAP workers, Amit Kumar and Rajini Kanth, who were accused by the woman of forcing her to withdraw her complaint against Bhardwaj. The fresh arrest came at a time the AAP was grappling with multiple cases filed against more than a dozen legislators –ranging from criminal intimidation and molestation to rioting and faking educational qualification.