New Delhi: Bollywood music director Vishal Dadlani, who is campaigning for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi Assembly elections, said on Tuesday that the party will win all the 70 seats this time around.
“In 2015, we were short by three seats. This time we will win 70 seats,” Dadlani, who campaigned for AAP in Ramesh Nagar constituency of the national capital, told reporters here.
In 2015 Delhi Assembly elections, AAP created history by winning an unprecedented 67 out of 70 Assembly seats.
“The public can see through the negative campaign (of BJP). They also understand who is doing the right work. Electricity, water, education and health sectors have been improved by AAP in Delhi. In independent India, this is the first time any government has done so much work in these sectors,” he added.
Elections to the Legislative Assembly in Delhi will be held on February 8 and the counting of votes will take place on February 11.