New Delhi : Taking a strong exception to Dinesh Mohaniya for allegedly misbehaving with a group of women who had gone to him to complain about water crisis, the Congress on Saturday said the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was comparing the arrest to an ’emergency-like’ situation and using it like a shield.
” Dinesh Mohaniya has been arrested and the AAP is alleging there is an emergency-like situation in the country, especially in Delhi. Taking the help of press conferences in order to save from the allegations is not right. On one side, you talk about full statehood of Delhi and ethical values and on the other side you take the shield of emergency.this is not right,” Congress leader P.L. Punia told ANI.
Mohaniya was earlier today arrested by the Delhi Police while addressing a press conference at his office in Khanpur in South Delhi.
Mohaniya, who is also the vice-chairman of Delhi Jal Board, was booked on June 23 after locals of Sangam Vihar alleged that the MLA and his supporters roughed them up and misbehaved with women in his office when they went to complain about irregular water supply.
A case was registered under Section 506 (criminal intimidation), Section 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and Section 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) of the Indian Penal Code at the Neb Sarai Police Station.
However, the police have also added Sections 354 and 354 (b).
“We have added 354 and 354b sections of the IPC as well,” said Jimmy Chiram, ACP, Delhi Police.
However, the MLA had rubbished the allegations, saying it was an attempt to defame his reputation as the water mafia is frustrated because of the Delhi Government’s crackdown.
Another case has been registered against Mohaniya for allegedly slapping a 60-year-old man in Tughlaquabad area on Friday.
A case has been registered against Mohaniya under Sections 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) and 341(punishment for wrongful restraint) and 34 (act done by several persons) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Govindpuri Police Station. (ANI)