Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Dr. Harshvardhan on Thursday reacting to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal”s speech in the Delhi State Assembly said that the AAP had no right to talk about corruption after taking support of the Congress. “They have no right to talk about corruption after taking support of Congress that is the most corrupt party,” said Harshvardhan. He said that there are more than 18 issues in Delhi that needed attention and pointed out that they have no answer to the rest 200 issues, which BJP has been working for. Congress leader Shakeel Ahmed said that his party would continue to support the Aam Admi Party in the State. “I want to congratulate the new government and we will continue to support the AAP. However, now it is government”s turn to deliver on the promises made to the common man,” he said. Janata Dal United (JD-U) leader Shoaib Iqbal said that the win of the AAP was a win for the people of Delhi. “Today is the win for the people of Delhi. We have told Arvind ji that we will give our support to AAP until the end,” he said. “We are giving our support to the speaker too. We are extending support without any greed or personal benefits. I was never friends with Congress but I am friends with AAP and will be,” he added. AAP leader Kumar Vishwas said it was heartening to see Kejriwal not reacting to the personal accusations made against him. It was heartening to see that CM (Kejriwal) did not even react to personal accusations made against him, in which, his wife and kids were targeted. It is commendable,” he said. “We posed questions in the state assembly and asked people to stand for them as “aam aadmi” and not as party members,” he added. (ANI)