Attacking Arvind Kejriwal Government over its Janlokpal Bill, BJP on Saturday alleged that it is the “biggest treachery” with the people of Delhi who had given AAP a huge mandate. “Delhi Janlokpal Bill, 2015, is AAP government’s biggest treachery played on the people of Delhi. The government has deceived the huge mandate on which it rode to power, by diluting the power of the Janlokpal and making it a political appointment in its draft bill,” Leader of Opposition in Assembly Vijender Gupta said. AAP government’s cabinet has decided to table the draft Bill in Delhi Assembly on Monday.
Alleging that the draft Bill has “done away with” role of Lt Governor and the President, he added that more “shocking” is the process to remove the Janlokpal. “According to the draft Janlokpal Bill, the power to remove the ombudsman has been given to the House that can pass the motion in the Assembly with two-thirds majority, ensuring that the office of the Janlokpal remains at the beck and call of its political masters,” he said. Gupta accused AAP government of “provoking” a situation of “confrontation” with the Centre by bringing its ministers and officials in the ambit of Janlokpal
“Continuing with their tradition of provoking situation of confrontation with the Centre to show themselves as the hapless victims, the provision to bring its ministers and officials in the ambit of the Janlokpal has been added in the draft Bill,” he said.