New Delhi: Alleging that her opponent, BJP’s Gautam Gambhir, had distributed lakhs of pamphlets that questioned her morals and were full of very objectionable and deeply offensive remarks about her, Aam Aadmi Party’s East Delhi candidate Atishi on Thursday broke down twice at a press conference while reading out the contents of the pamphlet. Atishi said she was very pained on seeing it. She asked if men like Gautam get elected, would women feel safe.
However, according to News18, Gambhir denied the allegation in strong terms and said would quit politics if the charge is proven.
AAP claims that a leaflet was distributed with newspapers in east Delhi societies, called Atishi a “prostitute”, “beef eater” and a “very good example of a mixed breed”.
The leaflet is said to also contain scurrilous personal allegations of a sexual relationship between her and Delhi deputy CM Manish Sisodia. Condemning the move, Sisodia said, the language in the pamphlet was so abusive and low that everybody will feel ashamed while reading it.
On the other hand, Gambhir, in a series of tweets, told CM Arvind Kejriwal he “abhors his act of outraging a woman’s modesty and that too his own colleague. And all this for winning elections?”
He asked Kejriwal, “I declare that if it’s proven that I did it, I will withdraw my candidature right now. If not, will u quit politics?”
The leaflet is also littered with obscenities against Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and Sisodia, who has been called a “Scheduled Caste” man born of “unlawful parents”.