New Delhi : Bollywood’s perfectionist actor Aamir Khan has showered praise on the Marathi language film `Natsamrat.’
The 50-year-old actor took to his Twitter handle to laud the film and tweeted, “I saw Natsamrat last night. What a film! And what an amazing performance by Nana, truly ‘ase nat hone nahi’! (1/3).”
The `3 Idiots` actor continued to write, “A must watch for all who love performances! And Vikramji has done no less. Outstanding! Both Nana& Vikramji kept me riveted throughout!”
Aamir further tweeted, “Thank you Mahesh, Nana, Vikramji, and to the entire team. (3/3).”
Directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, the film features Nana Patekar, Vikram Gokhale, Mrunmayee Deshpande, Ajit Parab among others.
The film, which talks about tragedy of a veteran theatre actor Ganpat Appa Belwalkar ( Nana Patekar) was released on 1 January 2016.(ANI)