Delhi: AAP founder member Ilyas Azmi quit the party on Monday blaming it on Delhi CM and party Supremo’s alleged autocratic style of working. Azmi claimed that Kejriwal was playing cased-based politics. He said that tha AAP has became a ‘one man’s property’. Azmi termed the autocracy in the party as ‘lack of inner democracy’. His resignation came after he was dropped from party’s decision making body.
“There is hardly any Muslim representation in AAP. Kejriwal is appointing people of his own community to key posts in the government. I was against removing former AAP members Yogendra Yadav and Prashanth Bhushan, who were expelled for anti-party activities,” he said. Yadav and Bhushan had also challenged Kejriwal after the Delhi Assembly elections in 2015. They co-founded a political organisation, Swaraj Abhiyan.
Azmi also claimed Kejriwal ignored Muslims and party members from backward classes, and indulged in caste-based politics.