A journalist from Aaj Tak, which falls under the India Today group, has been fired for his tweets on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Shyam Meera Singh, the person in question, had called Modi a “shameless Prime Minister” and said that those asking to respect Modi, should first ask him to respect the constitutional position he holds.
Taking to Twitter on Monday, Singh also posted screenshots of communication between him and the company, showing the specific tweets which led him to losing his job. “I am terminated from my channel Aaj Tak (India Today Group) for writing these two tweets on Prime minister Modi,” he tweeted. Not willing to back down in spite of his firing, Singh further added, “I want to reiterate again and again and again ‘Yes! Modi is a shameless prime minister’.”
This is not the first time that a journalist has been punished for saying something against Modi or the current government. Many of them, across the country, have faced action from inside their organisations for posting negative remarks on the Prime Minister.