Transport Minister P Mahender Reddy today said Aadhar linkage is a must for vehicle registration and transfer. The minister called upon the people to follow traffic rules and transport norms in order to make the State free of accidents and deaths.
Mahendar Reddy held a review meeting at the Secretariat with Transport and Police officials. He said information of vehicle sale and purchase should be put in the department website. He expressed concern that there are some problems as the vehicle owners are not cooperating with regard to second time and third time sale of the vehicles out of 95 lakh of vehicles in the State. If ownership was not transferred to the purchaser he or she will not get insurance besides causing problem to both owner and buyer. Autos and lorries being sold on finance to others without following norms to transfer the ownership and the people should be informed about its future problems in sale, registration and transfer and details of phone, adhar, e-challan and others on the
To check these anomalies Adhar linkage should be implemented strictly. The minister instructed that an awareness campaign should be conducted in presence of Home Minister Nayani Narsimha Reddy for auto drivers and lorry owners to overcome the problem. There is a need to protect auto drivers from money lenders he said adding that accidents came down by 33 per cent and deaths reduced by 73 per cent. M Vallet is getting positive results with 20 lakhs of users so far and the facility is ideal at national level, he claimed. (NSS)