New Delhi: In a inhumane incident, Rajat, a 9th standard student was allegedly beaten to death in Mayur Vihar, Delhi. The incident took place last evening when the victim, identified as Rajat, along with his friends, was on his way back from the tuition classes. According to the reports, a shopkeeper is a culprit.
According to Rajat’s father Unnikrishnan, his son had a scuffle with a pan vendor in the market at around 04:30 hrs. The shopkeeper then assaulted all of them at a nearby park. His other friends managed to escape from the spot, but Rajat was beaten brutally by the shopkeeper, leading to his death. Later, Rajat was taken to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital, where he was declared brought dead. Police have registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the body has been sent for post-mortem. Further investigation is on to nab the culprits and find out the exact cause of death.