Mumbai: Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan was trolled for sharing a fake photo on 5th April after ‘9 Baje 9 Minutes’ event.
The actor not only shared the photo on Twitter but also wrote, “The World sees us .. we are ONE”.
Some people claimed that the photo was released by NASA after ‘9 Baje 9 Minutes’ event. However, the claim was found to be a fake one.
Reaction of Twitterati
Soon, the Twitterati started trolling the actor. One of them suggested him to uninstall the WhatsApp.
Another person wrote,”False pride & chest thumping won’t save the people. Actions, alertness and sensitivity will!”.
It may be mentioned that soon after people turned off the lights of their houses and lighted earthen lamps across the country on Sunday night, responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘9 pm, 9-min’ appeal to defeat the coronavirus in the country, fake pictures starting doing rounds on social media.
Coronavirus cases in India
On Monday, the Union Health Ministry said that 109 deaths were reported across the country due to Coronavirus, and the total number of infected cases so far has risen to 4067.
At least 490 new cases and 26 new deaths have been reported in the last 12 hours.