A nine-year-old Indian girl launched her clothing collection at the Dubai World Fashion Week. Vidhi Karva participated in the event organized by Vivz Fashion School on 17 and 18 December.
Her collection was a part of the International Kids/Teens Fashion Runway segment, where she was introduced as the ‘youngest fashion designer of the world’.
“It was a big turning point for me and I received great feedback. Now, I will start to work on my next collection, and I’m excited to take my line to London and Milan as well,” she told Khaleej Times.
Karva developed an interest in fashion a few years back. She would be mesmerized by her mother’s designer clothes. “I would convince her to let me style her my way, and that’s when I realised that I want to become a designer,” she said.
Karva learned the art of fashion designing through YouTube. She said that her mother helps her shape her designs on paper. She plans to learn the craft professionally from a fashion school in the future and wants to promote sustainable clothing and Indian fabrics.
The fourth-grader is a student at Indus International School, Pune in India.