Mumbai :Around 84 per cent Indian workers are extremely optimistic about getting an opportunity to develop and upgrade their relevant skills in the next 12 months, according to a survey.
“About 84 per cent of workers in India are increasingly optimistic that they will get the chance to develop and upgrade relevant career skills in the next 12 months. This was an improvement of 3 per cent from the previous quarter,” the Job Confidence Index Q3 survey by global recruitment specialists Michael Page has revealed.
The survey drew a comparison between responses of 580 employees in India and 4,200 employees across the Asia Pacific.
“Workplace sentiments and confidence ranks very high in India. A majority of job seekers foresee progression in their career. With the right work attitude and legitimate reasons for job hunting, companies have a high chance of securing talent close match to their requirements,” Michael Page India Managing Director Nicolas Dumoulin said.
Further, the survey revealed that 59 per cent of respondents in India were ‘satisfied to very satisfied’ in their jobs compared to 53 per cent in Asia Pacific.
Confidence in the Indian economy is also high, with the index indicating that (53 per cent) employees in India rating their current national economy as ‘good to excellent’, notably higher than in Asia Pacific (33 per cent), it said.
It found that employees in India were more optimistic about compensation levels in the next 12 months (71 per cent in second quarter to 73 per cent in the third), career promotion (67 per cent in second quarter to 68 per cent in the third) as well as work-life balance (from 51 per cent in second quarter to 53 per cent in the third).
When it came to job hunting in India, strong interest to develop new skills (43 per cent in second quarter to 47 per cent in the third) was the key driver ranking ahead of salary (38 per cent in second quarter to 41 per cent in the third) and work-life balance (38 per cent in second quarter to 36 per cent in the third).