New Delhi: An 80-year-old mother of a senior Indian Navy officer was allegedly robbed of her purse containing Rs 60,000 and some important documents from a coffee shop in South Delhi’s Meherchand market.
The complainant Meena Mathur (80) had gone to the Cafe Coffee Day outlet in Meherchand Market in Lodhi Colony around 1.15 pm. While she was sitting and having coffee inside the cafe, she had kept her bag on a chair beside her, said a senior police officer.
The accused allegedly stole the bag during this time without Mathur realising it, added the officer.
When she got up after finishing her coffee, she found her bag to be missing and alerted the staff, police said.
The bag contained Rs 60,000, the complainant’s Aadhar card, a credit card and a blank signed cheque, police said.
“The cafe doesn’t have CCTV cameras installed inside the place and we are relying on CCTV footage obtained from the cameras installed outside the cafe,” said the officer.
Meena’s son Shanker Mathur is a senior officer in the Indian Navy. They stay at Prithviraj Road in Lutyens Delhi.