A recent study has revealed that 80 percent of women edit their summer snaps before posting them on any social media sites in order to appear more stunning. The study further revealed that majority of women share photos that flaunt their slimmest angles online and delete any unflattering photos irrespective of other people present in the snap, due to the pressure to look “perfect”, the Daily Star reported. According to the survey results, 58 percent women remove snaps clicked by their partners, 74 per cent take charge of the camera to avoid unflattering bikini pics and 82 percent admitted about editing photos to make them look better. Lee Smith, managing director of Forza Supplements, said that it was very clear that women rule the roost when it came to holiday pictures, since, whether they took the pictures or not, they did decide which shots get shared with family or friends and would delete snaps where they look overweight. (ANI)