(Siasat News) Mr. Susheel Kumar Shinde, Home Minister of India told that there is little time left for the completion of process of formation of separate Telangana state. He met the president of India yesterday and apprised him of the steps taken by the Home Ministry for the formation of separate. He also informed about the all party meeting. He also told him that the process will be democratic. He informed him that 8 recognized political parties of A.P. have been invited for an all party meeting. The opinion of these political parties will be elicited.
The Home Minister told the President that Legal opinion is being sought about article 371-D and the bifurcation of the state will be done as per the provisions of article 3 of Constitution of India.
Mr. Anil Goswami, Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs told that a letter has been issued to 8 political parties of A.P. with a request to inform about their opinions for the guidelines of separate Telangana state before 5th November.
—-Siasat News