Patna: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav on Monday said that besides unemployment, inflation is the biggest issue in Bihar Assembly Elections as onion prices are skyrocketing. He also alleged that 60 scams to the tune of about Rs 30,000 crore have taken place in the state under the leadership of Nitish Kumar.
“Inflation is the biggest issue. BJP people used to wear a garland of onions. Now it is about to touch Rs 100/kg. Those who were speaking about onion when it touched Rs 50-60/kg are now silent when it has crossed Rs 80/kg. Starvation and poverty are rising in the state,” Yadav said while speaking to media.
“There is unemployment, small traders are destroyed. GDP is falling, we are going through an economic crisis. Farmers are being destroyed, youth is unemployed, Bihar is poor and people are migrating for education, jobs and medical help,” he added.
After promising 10 lakh jobs in the state for the youth, Tejashwi has brought rising inflation as a key issue in the ongoing Bihar election campaign.
The Mahagathbandhan’s Chief Ministerial face, Tejashwi Yadav alleged that misappropriation to the tune of about Rs 30,000 crore has been done in 60 scams under Nitish Kumar’s leadership.
“There is no audit of money in times of calamity. Corruption has increased considerably, no work can be done without a bribe. Nitishji has made a tradition that not a single work can be done in Bihar without offering a bribe,” he alleged.
Tejashwi Yadav has been constantly attacking and ridiculing the Chief Minister for being “physically and mentally tired”.
The Bihar elections will be held in three phases in Bihar — October 28, November 3 and November 7– and the counting of votes will be done on November 10.