Hyderabad: Valigonda police foiled a bid of Pradeep Reddy gang to kill Nayeem’s ally and arrested 6 including the prime accused in the case, Komarelly Pradeep Reddy. In a statement issued in this connection Deputy Commissioner Yadadri Zone Mr. Yadgiri said the eight-member gang from Bhongir were planning to eliminate slain gangster Nayeem’s associate Konapuri Shankar.
Deputy Commissioner Yadadri Zone, Mr. Yadgiri told that Pradeep Reddy R/O Dasreddy Gadiam (25), Lingaswami (25), Lokesh (42), Bhopal Reddy (21), Venkanna (21), Kiran (22) and Ramesh (25) have been arrested while Bhoshanam (48) is absconding.
According to police Shekhar Reddy and Pradeep Reddy were jointly doing business. On loss in business both developed disputes.
A case has been registered against them under section 120 (B) of IPC, section 25 (1) (b) of Arms Act and section 7 (1) of Criminal Amendment Act at Valigonda police station and arrested them.