New Delhi: Six persons, including a 7-year-old girl, were killed and as many were injured when the car they were travelling in collided head-on with a state transport bus in Jamnagar district on Sunday. The accident took place near Sanosara village on Kalavad-Dhoraji road, police said. “Victims belonged to Rajkot city and were returning by car after attending a family function at Savarkundla in Amreli district. The injured were taken to Kalavad health centre,” said an officer from Kalavad police station.
The ST bus was heading towards Gondal in Rajkot district. The deceased were identified as Nitesh Kataria (27), Nidhi Kataria (20), Mohit Kotak (20), Dhara Kotak (26), Isha Kotak (7) and Ahuti Anadkat (19).