The Telangana Government has so far sanctioned and released Rs. 277 crore for marriages of 54,614 SC, ST and Minority girls under the Kalyana Laxmi and Shaadi Mubarak schemes.
According to a press release from Chief Minister’s Office, an amount of Rs. 98. 573 Crore has been sanctioned and distributed to 19,328 Scheduled Caste beneficiaries under Kalyana Laxmi Scheme for the year 2015-2016 as on today. As against a total target of 31,395 anticipated to be benefited under Kalyana Laxmi Scheme during this financial year, as many as 22,128 have registered their applications. The remaining applications are in the process of verification and would be sanctioned after that.
During the year 2014-2015 Government sanctioned and released an amount of Rs. 27. 418 Crore under this scheme benefiting 5,376 SC brides.
For the year 2015-2016, the achievement is above 80% in Mahaboobnagar (2955 beneficiaries), Nalgonda (2715 beneficiaries) and Khammam (1917 beneficiaries); above 70% in Medak (2075 beneficiaries), Adilabad (1891 beneficiaries) and Warangal (2239 beneficiaries); above 60% in Karimnagar (2355 beneficiaries) and above 50% in Nizamabad (1015 beneficiaries) and Ranga Reddy (1713 beneficiaries) districts. The overall achievement in all districts is 70.48%.
As far as the Scheduled Tribe beneficiaries are concerned, during 20143-15, an amount of Rs. 12. 90 Crore was sanctioned and distributed to 2530 beneficiaries. During 2015-2016, an amount of Rs. 49.50 Crore benefiting 9,705 persons has been sanctioned and distributed.
Under Shaadi Mubarak Scheme, for the year 2014-2015, an amount of Rs. 27.55 Crore was sanctioned and distributed to 5,793 beneficiaries and during the year 2015-2016, as on today Rs. 60. 60 Crore has been released and distributed to 11,882 beneficiaries.
Special Secretary to Chief Minister K. Bhoopal Reddy on Monday reviewed the progress of Kalyana Laxmi with reference to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe beneficiaries as well as Shaadi Mubarak Scheme with reference to minority welfare with the concerned officials.
Kalyana Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak are two important schemes introduced by the government benefiting unmarried SC, ST and Minority (including Sikhs and Christians) girls below the poverty line, on their marriage with a view to alleviate financial distress in the family. Under the Scheme, a onetime financial assistance of Rs. 51, 000 shall be granted to them. The State Government has kept this scheme under Green Channel and simplified procedures and certificates. For effective implementation of the scheme, the Chief Minister has issued clear instructions to the authorities, that, poor families who will be benefited by the scheme should not have any hurdles in obtaining financial assistance. MROs and RDOs are made responsible to receive applications and their verification.
The status of registrations, verifications, sanctions and amount credited into the accounts of the beneficiaries is monitored by concerned departments every day. As per the ratio of SC, ST and Minority population in the Districts, physical and financial targets are fixed for each district and communicated to the District Collectors and Joint Directors/Deputy Directors (SCDD) in the State.
Overall during 2014-15 and 2015-16 as of now, a total amount of about Rs. 277 Crore was sanctioned and released under Kalyana Laxmi and Shaadi Mubarak Schemes benefiting in all 54, 614 SC, ST and Minority girls below the poverty line on their marriage as envisaged in the scheme.
The entire amount of Rs. 51, 000 is being credited straight away in to the bank account of the beneficiary without any middle men involvement. (INN)