50,000 apply for teaching jobs in a day in Mexico

Mexico City, July 29: The education ministry in Mexico has received about 50,000 applications for teacher posts in less than 24 hours following the government’s resolution to curb corruption in the country’s education system.

Some 50,000 applied for teaching jobs in less 24 hours on the backdrop of government’s efforts to combat corruption within the education system, Mexico’s Education Minister Alonso Lujambio said Tuesday.

On Monday, Mexico’s education ministry and the National Education Workers Union (SNTE) jointly launched an on-line bidding for 31,000 teaching positions in the 2009-2010 school term, a program they say is more transparent than the current practice.

Mexican legislators have complained that teachers often sell their posts to their successors without permission from federal or regional governments.

Critics say that private sale of teaching posts has impaired education quality in the nation.

All applicants will have to take a unified examination Aug 16 and the test results will be published online seven days later, the minister said.

The applications were also designed to double the number of teachers in primary schools, special schools and so-called “tele-secondary” schools, where students receive distance education via video links.

Mexican teachers enjoy better social security and welfare benefits and are respected in the country.