Patna: Union Railways Minister Piyush Goyal announced a 50 per cent reservation for women in the upcoming recruitment of 9500-10000 jawans for the Railway Protection Force (RPF), in a bid to create more employment opportunities for women.
Goyal informed that the process for the filling 13,000 job vacancies in Railways will begin soon and the recruitment will be done through a computer-based test.
“In upcoming recruitment of 9500-10000 RPF jawans, there will be a 50 per cent reservation for women and 13,00,00 jobs are also coming up in Railways in which there will be a computer-based test, no interviews,” Goyal said while addressing an event here on Sunday.
RPF, which was introduced for the first time in the central act of 1957, has as many as 70,000 people working with it, making it one of the biggest workforces in the country.