Hyderabad: In an appalling incident, a minor girl was reportedly raped at Sanath Nagar by a local. Parents of the 5-year-old girl, approached police after shifting her to a local hospital. Sanath Nagar police registered a case based on the complaint lodged by girl’s mother Zaibun Begum and shifted the girl to hospital for medical check up and treatment. A case has been booked against one Mahesh.
Zaibun Begum is said to be a sweeper in a private school. She is the resident of Humavati Nagar. On the fateful day the woman had gone to work while her husband Chand Pasha and other children were at home. Later the girl’s father went to a burial, leaving his children at home. When the mother returned home from work, her eldest daughter was crying. When asked the reason the girl told that Mahesh has beaten her. The girl’s clothes had blood stains. The woman informed her husband and shifted the girl to the hospital. Sanath Nagar police has registered a case and investigations are on.
Siasat news