Mumbai: One more person has been arrested by the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) from Ghatkopar on Saturday. This is the fifth arrest made in this connection so far. After Vaibhav Raut, Sharad Kalaskar, Sudhanwa Gondhalekar and Shrikant Pangarkar arrested earlier, in this case, the Maharashtra ATS arrested Avinash Pawar (30), associated with Hindutva outfit Shiv Pratishthan and other saffron organisations.
It must be noted that Maharashtra ATS is investigating the recent seizure of explosives and arms in the state. Pawar will be produced before a court today. He was found involved, by the ATS, in the conspiracy to carry out blasts in the state.
The other persons held were also found to be associated with Hindutva outfits like Hindu Govansh Raksha Samiti and others. 20 crude bombs, two gelatin sticks, four electronic and 22 non-electronic detonators, 150 gms of explosive powder and some other materials were recovered from their possession.
Meanwhile, ATS is preparing a fresh dossier for Sanatan Sanstha ban.