Hyderabad: Swaraj India, Chief Yogendra Yadav is describing the game of NRC, NPR and CAA in five steps. Yogendra Yadav is a well-known politician who has spread awareness against CAA-NRC-NPR through this video on Kumar Shyam’s YouTube Channel.
He explains that this is the five-step game of NPR+CAA+NRC and easy to understand the journey of these five fingers on your hand.
STEP 1. The journey will start from your baby finger, in the month of April a government official will visit your house asking about the census of your family details like name, date of birth, and other details are questioning the when/where of your Parent’s Birthplace important? This first step indicates the National Population Register (NPR)
STEP 2. Then the ring finger, a ‘D’ (Doubtful Citizens) if they write D on your documents which would be taken to any government office later after finalizing the lists a government official merely declares a Citizenship Doubtful on the basis of your information which you fail to provide.
STEP 3. Middle finger indicates National Register of Citizens (NRC) some of the family members will receive a letter with D written on their documents then they are asked to prove that whether they are the citizens of India or not. But how to prove it? The government has never described the process of proving citizenship
Example: NRC happened earlier in Assam, documents like Aadhar Card, Ration Card, and Voter list name was not accepted. Then they were asked to bring 30 years back certificates which show that you and your ancestors were born in India
STEP 4. People, who fail to provide certificates will be given a last warning with the index finger pointing at you to go to the ‘Foreigners Tribunal’ and prove that is your foreigner or not?
If he/she is Muslim then the game of the first activation comes into the picture, who will be considered a foreigner. If not Muslim then have you come from Bangladesh, Pakistan or Afghanistan? If one fails to prove will also be considered as foreigners
STEP 5. Then foreigners will be pressed under the thumb in ‘Detention Centre’ means jail, a jail for foreigners, Rules for existing Detention Centres have already laid by the government in Assam and started working in Karnataka and soon going to be built in various other 10 states of the country. Families who were living in the country from the years will be sent to detention centres.
Mr. Yadav says that the game has been started from the baby finger will end on the thumb, who wants it? If not here’s how you can stop this if the government is trying to fold your baby finger, close all your finger and make into a fist and raise your hand to fight against CAA-NRC-NPR. We the people of India Gives Call for Nationwide Boycott of NPR.
A banner of more than 120 organisations, met at Delhi and gave a nation-wide call to boycott the exercise of Updating of National Population Register (NPR) as the only possible way to resist the divisive and discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the exclusionary National Register of Citizens (NRC).