5 candidates of Telangana Rashtra Samithi have been elected as corporators in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. The party had fielded 24 Muslim candidates in 150-member Corporation, of which 5 Muslim candidates got elected, including Rasheeda Begum (Chintal), Fasihuddin Baba (Borabanda), Hameed Patel (Kondapur), Mohammed Abdul Shafi (Rahmat Nagar) and Mrs. Sabiha Begum (Allapur).
Mrs. Rasheeda Begum’s husband Mohammed Rafi is TRS president of Qutubullahpur. Mrs. Rasheeda Begum won the elections with over 5000 votes. She asserted that she has contested for the sole purpose of serving public. Rasheeda Begum’s husband Mohammed Rafi played important role in strengthening the party in Qutubullahpur segment. She said she will always be available for resolving public problems and will convert Chintal into a model division.
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