Deputy Chief Minister of Telangana State Mohammed Mahmood Ali made an emergency visit to Sultan Shahi, Talab Katta, Jahangir Nagar, old and new Malakpet, and various areas of Yaqutpura to asses the damages caused by gale and rainstorm which lashed Hyderabad on Friday evening. He was accompanied by Deputy Mayor Baba Fasihuddin, RDO Hyderabad Nikhila Reddy and other officials.
Mr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali arrived at the residence of Ahmed bin Ibrahim at Jahangir Nagar, Talab Katta, who died after the water tank from neighbouring house fell on him due to gale force wind. He consoled the victim’s family and announced an ex-gratia of Rs. 5 lakh, free education to victim’s three children by the government and job to Ahmed’s wife in residential school. He also announced sufficient compensation and free treatment to the injured.
Mr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali directed the RDO to immediately release 25000 for the treatment of injured. He also inspected the 200-year-old tree located near Sultan Shahi which was uprooted due to gale force winds.
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