Bandaru Dattatreya, Union Minister of State for Labour and Employment (Independent Charge) said that the government will create 5 crore jobs for Indians by the year 2022. While addressing at the inauguration of Mega Job MELA for Telangana Youth organized at Nizam College Grounds in Hyderabad today, Dattaterya said that the nation’s true asset is youth force.
Dattaterya further stated that similar job Melas will be conducted in the newly formed Telangana state soon. As the centre giving much importance to the Skill development, the State government has also should provide skill development for the youth for the better employment opportunities, he said. He also informed that Centre gave Rs 170 crore for skill development centers in the state. The Union Minister also said that the central government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is taking positive steps to provide jobs to educated unemployed youth in industrial sector especially in industries setup up in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states.
Nearly 10, 000 persons attended at the job MELA, where around 60 companies participated and offered jobs to 1000 persons in various sectors. The private companies offered jobs for graduates, post graduate in IT sector, hotel management, nursing, sales, marketing, tele-callers, security guards, house-keeping and delivery boys. BJP MLC Ramachandra Rao, eminent educationist Ch. Ramaiah, former MLC Dileep Kumar and others were present on the occasion. (NSS)