Mumbai: In an official statement on Thursday, Mukesh and Nita Ambani has announced that they welcomed a new addition to their family as their eldest son Akash and wife Shloka Mehta became parents to a baby boy on December 10 in Mumbai.
“With the grace and blessings of Lord Krishna, Shloka and Akash Ambani became proud parents of a baby boy today in Mumbai. Nita and Mukesh Ambani are delighted to become grandparents for the first time, as they welcomed the great-grandson of Dhirubhai and Kokilaben Ambani,” an official statement by the Ambani family said.
“The new arrival has brought immense joy to the entire Mehta and Ambani families,” it said
The statement also said that both mother and son are doing well.
Shloka and Mukesh tied the knot in a big fat star-studded wedding in early-March 2019 in Mumbai. For the unversed, Shloka is the daughter of diamantaire Arun Russell Mehta, MD of Rosy Blue. The young couple made headlines in June 2018 when the two exchanged rings in a lavish star-studded party at Antilia in Mumbai.