452 passports of Hajj aspirants issued from Regional Passport Office

Making successful representation with the Regional Passport Officer, the Telangana Hajj Committee ensured issue of 452 passports to Hajj aspirants. It must be noted that it was obligatory for Hajj aspirants to submit the copy of passport along with Hajj application.

However several aspirants approached Hajj Committee and represented that they either didn’t possess passports or they are not valid as per Hajj Committee conditions.

Meeting with the Regional Passport Officer Special Officer Hajj committee Prof. S A Shukoor apprised him of the problems faced by the intending Hajj pilgrims and requested him to ensure issue of passports at the earliest. Due to successful and timely representation of Special Officer issuance of passports of 452 intending Hajj pilgrims could be made possible.

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