Hyderabad: MA&UD Minister KT Rama Rao on Friday inaugurated two Bastidawakhanas at Erragadda and Vengalrao Nagar. The government aims at providing primary health care to the poor at doorsteps, the minister informed.
At present, there are about 123 Bastidawakhanas in Greater Hyderabad and today 45 new Basti dawakhanas were launchned in various locations.These clinics are open to public from 9AM to 4Pm.Locals of each basti can avail medical facilities in these clinics, Minister added.
These clinics provide free diagnostic services as well free medicines to the poor. Minister said it gives him extreme happiness to launch 45 Bastidawakhanas on a single day to cater to the medical needs of the people.
He examined the facilities available in the Bastidawakhana.Minister got his body temperature and BP checked with the medical staff available in the clinic.
After inaugurating the Bastidawakhana interacted with an old woman who came for the treatment at the clinic. He also said the existing Bastidawakhanas in the city is getting good reviews from the public. Jubilee hills MLA Maganti Gopinath, Mayor, Bonthu Rammohan, Health department Special C.S. Santha Kumari, MAUD Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar, GHMC Commissioner Lokesh Kumar, Hyderabad Collector Swetha Mohanty, Additional Commissioner Ravi Kiran, and others participated in the program.
Mayor Dr.Bonothu Rammohan along with MLA B. Subash Reddy and Zonal Commissioner Upender Reddy inaugurated Basthi Dawakanas at Parimala Nagar in Cherlapally Division and Ashok Nagar in Mallapur Division here today.
Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Dr. Bonthu Rammohan said that Chief Minister Chandrashekar Rao’s mission is to provide better medical care to the poor in the state.
Further, Mayor appealed the public to utilize the opportunity of medical facilities provided in your locality at Basthi Dawakhanas.
As per MLA, Local Corporators and officials personally inspected and selected the places for Basthi Dawakhanas so that they are proximity to the locals. Chief Minister issued instructions to recruit the required staff like Doctors, Paramedical, etc said the Mayor.
In order to lessen the financial burden on the poor apart from 85 Urban Health Centres and 123 Basthi Dawakhanas and another 45 Basthi Dawakhanas brought for the use of the public. Tests for 57 verities will be done through Telangana State Diagnostics, if necessary referred to Government Hospitals for advanced treatment, further there is a proposal to provide 3 Basthi Dawakahanas inward.