New Delhi: With 3,834 fresh COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the tally in the national capital rose to over 2.60 lakh while the death toll rose to 5,123, authorities said.
These fresh cases were detected after more than 59,183 tests were conducted the previous day, they said.
Thirty-six new fatalities have been recorded, taking the death toll to 5,123, according to the latest bulletin issued by the Delhi health department.
The active cases tally on Thursday rose to 31,125 from 30,836 the previous day, it said.
Delhi recorded 3,714 fresh COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, as the tally in the city amounted to over 2.56 lakh while the death toll rose to 5,087.
On Thursday, the total number of cases climbed to 2,60,623.
The number of containment zones in Delhi jumped to 2,059 from 1,987 on Wednesday.
The positivity rate on Thursday stood at 6.48 percent while the recovery rate was 86.09 percent, the bulletin said, adding that the case fatality rate stood at 1.97 percent.
The Delhi government has significantly ramped up testing in the past few days.
The number of tests conducted and the corresponding fresh cases reported ranged from 24,198 tests (resulting in 2,312 positive cases) on September 1 to 59,580 tests (3,714 cases) on September 23.
The number of Rapid Antigen Tests conducted on Thursday stood at 49,369 while the RT-PCR, CBNAAT, and True NAAT test figures were 9,814, in all adding to 59,183 total tests, according to the bulletin.
The number of tests done per million as on Thursday was over 1,45,079 while the total number of tests stood at over 27,56,516 lakh.
Meanwhile, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain took a meeting with medical directors and medical superintendents of all Delhi government hospitals to review the status of testing.
Delhi Chief Secretary Vijay Dev took a review meeting with all district magistrates on COVID-19 management.
Since August 18, daily positive cases have once again been coming in four-figure counts in the city.
According to the bulletin, out of the total number of 15,810 beds in COVID hospitals, 8,784 are vacant.
It said 1,658 beds in COVID care centers are occupied by persons under quarantine, including travelers who have returned by the Vande Bharat Mission and bubble flights.
The bulletin said 2,24,375 patients have recovered, been discharged, or migrated so far.
The number of people in home isolation on Thursday rose to 17,995 from 17,834 the previous day.