35 killed in Mexican Drug violence

Mexico, October 10: Drug-related brutal attacks and crimes spanning five Mexican states, kill 35 people in one single day, security officials say.

Despite the deployment of 50,000 soldiers across the country by the government to confront the cartels, fierce drug wars have claimed over 14,000 lives since 2006.

On Friday, ten bodies were discovered in six different locations in the southern state of Guerrero, and another six bodies were found in the small town of Ciudad Ayala.

All the bodies had messages attached. One of the messages said: “This is what is going to happen to all the rats, kidnappers and extortionists.” The messages were signed by the “boss of bosses.”

Bodies of seven victims of an execution-style killing were discovered in two locations in the vicinity of Mexico State. And in Tijuana, near the US border, a civil servant was found hanging from a bridge, badly beaten and his head bound with adhesive tape.

Two more men were killed around the border region, the epicenter of Mexico’s bloody drug wars.
