The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
representational image
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)
The 31st Hyderabad Book Fair was inaugurated and opened for the public on Thursday at NTR stadium. The 31stedition of Hyderabad Book Fair which is held every year in the month of December was postponed to January because of the World Telugu Conference.The Book fair which started on Thursday will conclude on 28 January. There are more than 300 stalls set up by publishers not only from Hyderabad, but even from Nellore, Vijayawada, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and other states. Secretary of Book Fair Society Chandra Mohan told The Hans India this year there are 331 book stalls set up and the book fair would be open for the public from 2.30 pm to 8.30 pm and on holidays it will be open from 12 pm to 8.30 pm. He said that the entry ticket cost Rs 5 and the entry is free for students if they show their identity cards.Explaining about the stalls at the Hyderabad Book Fair Chandra Mohan said that out the 331 stalls some of the stalls have unique features. He said that there is a stall of Sanskrit books from Varanasi, devotional book, children world and some stalls related to women. He said that there are even stalls of central and state governments including National Book Trust, Publication Division, Telangana State Language and Culture department, Open University and some other from British council and Oxford. (Photo: Zabi)