Hyderabad: Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekar Rao, summoned for a 30-day Telangana Ku Haritha Haram operation with the coordination of 19 Government Departments to participation in the integrated development of villages.
Very soon, plant nurseries will be set up at 10,434 revenue villages of the state. For the execution of ‘Haritha Haram,’ an action plan is being prepared by the Telangana State Forest Department.
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF), R Sobha said, “Preparation of a list of plants required for each village in particular on behalf of the Forest Department, Identification of plants will be done in accordance with the farmers of the respective villages, for Haritha Haram”.
Additional PCCF RM Dobriyal said, “Each rural household should have at least six plants: three fruit plants, one neem, and two flowering plants, and Krishna basil for mosquito prevention.”
The Officer on Special Duty (OSD) for Telangana Ku Haritha Haram, from Chief Ministers’ Office, Priyanka Varghese said, “The forest officials should report the problems faced by the staff at the field level during the implementation of 30-day operations, to ensure that operation is riddle free.”
“Haritha Haram planting operations on roads and public areas will be counted, and the survival rate of sapling shall also be monitored,” R Sobha, added.
“The role of the Forest Department is crucial to the development of the state’s green villages and thereby the development of the state,” said R Shobha.