Gonda (Uttar Pradesh), Oct 13 : In a shocking incident, three minor Dalit sisters received burn injuries when an unidentified attacker threw acid on them in Gonda district in the wee hours of Tuesday.
Two of the girls received minor burn injuries while the third was injured in the face.
Kajal, 17, Mahima, 12, and Sonam, 8, were sleeping on the roof of their house when they were attacked by an unidentified person. No arrest has been made so far even as details are awaited.
The victims were admitted in a district hospital for treatment.
Their father Ram Avatar maintained that he had enmity with no one and was clueless about the motive behind the crime.
Gonda Superintendent of Police Shailesh Kumar Pandey said that police was questioning the girls and police teams set up to track down the culprit.
The crime comes in the wake of gang rape and murder of a 19-year-old Dalit woman in Hathras. In Gonda, a priest was shot at on Sunday over a property dispute.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.