2nd Social Leadership Summit (2016) Organized By MOVEMENT FOR EMPOWERMENT OF MUSLIM INDIANS (MOEMIN)
[Date: 4th to 6th March 2016 | Venue: India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi]
Dear Friends
Social Leaders and NGO’s have a major, crucial and vital role in the empowerment and development of a community and country at large. Social leaders are assets, backbone and face of any community who play a key role in motivating and leading the community to the heights of progress and empowerment and thus framing destinies. They are the people who have deep understanding of issues at the ground level and enjoy negotiating skills to respond in vibrant democratic setups.
Movement for Empowerment of Indian Muslims (MOEMIN) in collaboration with Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP),Amiable Charitable Trust and many other groups is organising “2nd Social Leadership Summit (2016) ” from 4thto 6th March 2016 at India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
We hope that the workshop will be attended by Politicians, Bureaucrats, Academicians, Intellectuals and Civil Society Activists of National Stature. We are also confident that representatives of more than 500 NGOs from across the country working at ground level would participate in the Workshop to share their experiences and interact with each other for future planning, Insha’Allah.
We take this privilege to invite you in the proposed Second National Social Leadership Summit to be held in Delhi from 4th to 6th March 2016. Beside Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions, we would be formatting different working sessions on following themes:
I. Idea of India and Indian Muslims
II. Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development
III. Positive use of Media and Social Media for Empowerment and Image Building of Indian Muslims
IV. Role of Indian Muslim Youth in Nation Building
V. Challenges of Terrorism
VI. Skill Development Initiatives
VII. Corporate Social Responsibilities and expectations of Muslims
In view of the importance & sensitivity of the issue, we request all concerned activists & representatives of Muslim NGOs to kindly participate in the “Second National Muslim Social Leadership Summit”.
How to Register:
1. Either register online at www.tinyurl.com/SocialLeaderSummit or Please send us the Registration form attached by post/email latest by 25th February 2016 along with the nominal delegation fee of Rs. 800/= per delegate.
2. Registration Form can be sent to moemin.navaid@gmail.com, navaidhamid@gmail.com or info@ampindia.org or posted on the below address along with the Demand Draft of Rs 800/- in the name of “MOVEMENT FOR EMPOWERMENT OF MUSLIM INDIANS”.
Postal Address: #2143, Qasim Jan Street, Ballimaran, Delhi-110006
3. Details of the “Second National Muslim Social Leadership Summit” can also be seen at www.moemin.org orwww.ampindia.org
4. For any further details you can contact
Mr. Mohammed Waseem Khan (9810781567) or Mr. Altamash Mohammed (9582508280)
5. Delegates planning to attend the Summit are requested to book their tickets at the earliest to avoid last minute hiccups.
Last year program videos can be seen at following link:

Organizing Committee:
Navaid Hamid: General Secretary, Movement for Empowerment of Indian Muslims
+91-9811643929 | navaidhamid@gmail.com
Zuber Gopalani: Social and Political Activist, Gujarat
+91-9722760730 | zgopalani@gmail.com
Mujtaba Farooq: Amiable Charitable Trust, Maharashtra
+91-9595808032 | mujtaba.farooq@gmail.com
Aamir Edresy: President, Association of Muslim Professionals, Mumbai
+91-9323792205 | aamir.edresy@gmail.com
Shabbir Ansari: President, All India Muslim OBC Organization, Mumbai
+91-9322657893 | saansari06@gmail.com
Ameen e Mudassar: CEO, CIGMA Foundation, Bangalore
+91-9845567687 | ameen.mudassar@gmail.com
Md. Jawahir Rahi: Social and Political Activist, West Bengal
+91-9871436166 | jrahi_mpa @yahoo.co.in
Md. Akif Ahmed: Development Consultant, New Delhi
+91-9810580508 | ahmadakif@gmail.com