2,868 animals bound for Nepal festival seized in Bihar

Security forces have seized 2,868 animals bound for Nepal’s mass animal sacrifice festival Gadhimai, an official said here Sunday.

“We have saved the lives of 2,868 animals by confiscating them and stopping their illegal transportation to Nepal for sacrifice,” Additional Director General of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) S.K. Singhal told IANS.

Gadhimai festival, where the largest animal slaughter in the world takes place, concluded Saturday. The festival takes place every five years and 70 percent of the sacrificed animals come from India.

The SSB also arrested 102 people in the past few days in connection with illegal transportation of the animals, he said.

All the border outposts of the SSB were put on alert to stop illegal transportation of animals, he added.

Border checks have been increased in response to the Supreme Court’s directive, asking animal protection groups to devise an action plan to ensure its order against animal sacrifice is implemented.