Patan, Gujarat: In a disgraceful event, a 22-year-old porn addict man allegedly raped his 46-year-old mother in Gujarat’s Patan town. The incident took place on Thursday while the victim was asleep in the house. The alleged offender was later arrested after a complaint was filed against him.
On the pretext of drinking water, victim’s son entered her room and allegedly committed the shameful offence, the police said. They also quoted complaint and said that he also smothered the victim before raping her at around 1 am on Thursday.
Due to frequent fights at home between the victim and his son, despite raising alarms, no one from the neighbourhood came for her help, police added.
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Police said that being addicted to watch pornographic material on his cell phone until late nights, he even watched explicit videos in front of his mother and 20-year-old sister.
According to his mother’s complaint, he had on earlier occasions also asked her for sexual advancements, a report in The Times of India said.
“The accused has been arrested. We have also sent him and the woman for medical examination,” Police sub-inspector SM Rabari of Patan B division police station said. He has been booked under Section 376 and 504 of the Indian Penal Code, the police officer added.