210 embrace Islam in two months

Dubai, October 30: The Information Centre of Dar Al Ber Society in Dubai registered conversion of 210 people into Islam in September and October.

Yusuf Al Saeed, manager of the centre, said the new converts included individuals and families of different nationalities. “Their hearts are touched by the tolerance, greatness, mercy and consistency of Islam,” he added.

“Special programmes organised by the centre had attracted around 1100 people to Islam this year so far. Most of the conversions took place in Ramadan, with 250 new Muslims, basically due to the spirit of the holy month,” Al Saeed said. He noted thousands of people come to the centre willingly to know about Islam. “The information on teachings and principles of Islam, provided in the books being gifted to thousands of truth-seekers, quench their thirst for the true religion,” he said.

Dar Al Ber Society has always been very keen to spread the peaceful message of Islam without any coercion since its establishment in Dubai 30 years ago.

“The branches and offices of the society in the emirates of Dubai, Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah receive applications for conversion on a daily basis,” Saeed said.

The centre had distributed over 67,000 copies of the Holy Quran as well as 9,000 translated introductory books, audio cassettes and CDs on Islam in different languages, including Chinese, Russian, Tagalog, English, Urdu and others.

“The centre has further distributed more than 300,000 copies of Dar Al Ber editions of the Holy Quran to the masjids, Islamic centres and individuals inside the country and abroad this year,” Saeed said.

Most of the Dar Al Ber Society’s projects are based on donations from both the UAE nationals and expatriates alike, apart from generous official participations. “Dar Al Ber Society may be reached at: (04-3523333) – Dubai, or info@daralber.ae,” he said.
