Hyderabad: A 21-year-old drug offender, A Rohit Singh, was detained by the city police on October 14 for reportedly selling drugs. He was arrested under the Preventive Detention Act.
Rohit was earlier given bail after being arrested for selling drugs and ‘causing harm to public health’, said a press release from the Hyderabad police on Thursday. The accused however continued to commit the crime even after being jailed for the same. “It is necessary to keep him under detention preventing him from involving subversive activities affecting the communities at large,” added the police.
Singh was sent to Central Prison, Chanchalguda, after being arrested under Sub section 2, section 3 of Andhra Pradesh prevention of dangerous activities act.
The Hyderabad police has been detaining habitual offenders as part of an ongoing drive against notorious habitual offenders who disturb public order. A number of rowdy sheeters, goondas and criminals are being detained to reduce crime and maintain peace in the city.