21 places identified for development of tourism: Minister

Andhra Pradesh Tourism and Culture Minsiter Vatti Vasant Kumar today informed the Assembly that 21 new tourist places have been identified for development of tourism, which included five places in East Godavari district. Replying to notice given by PRP MLA K Kannababu to this effect during Question Hour, Mr Kumar said there were plans to develop the Koringa forest area into tourist attraction. He said the state government had included the Koringa Forest Area Development under prioritized list for the year 2011-12 and added the APTDC is proposing to develop the Eco-Tourism Centre at Koringa with an estimated amount of Rs 625 lakh wherein the Centre’s component was Rs 520 lakh and the state government would invest Rs 100 lakh. When the MLA sought to know the number of persons to whom employment was being provided at present through Tourism Sector, the Minister said 1910 persons were employed by APTDC, the PMU wing YAT&C department provided an employment to 1600 through PPP projects. UNI