Hyderabad: 20715 applications were submitted from across Telangana for Hajj 2017 which is 3000 more than the previous year. Special Officer Telangana Hajj Committee told that 725 applications were submitted under Category A – reserved for septuagenarian aspirants while 2365 applications were submitted under Category B reserved for aspirants who had applied for Hajj seats thrice but were not able to get through reserved category. On the fourth time as per the Hajj Committee of India guidelines, they are mandatory to be selected for pilgrimage. The aggregate of these two categories is 3090. 17625 applications were submitted under General category.
Keeping in view the record number of applications received, Qurrah is likely to be held for just a few seats. It is hoped that this year 3200 seats will be allotted to Telangana. However, most of the quota allotted will be exhausted by Category A and B while the drawing of lot will be held for just 100 to 150 seats.
Telangana is trying to taken up the matter with central government and seek special quota of 2000.
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