Lucknow: After winning Uttar Pradesh bypoll by joining hands with BSP, the president of the Samajwadi Party, Akhilesh Yadav has decided to meet RJD’s supremo Lalu Prasad and his son Tejashwi in Ranchi to make another alliance for standing strong in 2019 elections against ruling BJP.
Lalu has been recently convicted in the fourth fodder scam and is serving a term of 13.5 years in Birsa Munda jail. However, the verdict for the fourth scam conviction is due.
“We have already taken permission from jail authorities. After meeting Laluji, I will meet Tejashwi. It is a courtesy call,” SP vice-president Kiranmoy Nanda told TOI on Sunday. The meeting to be held on March 24, if Lalu does not get discharged from Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, the two will meet him at the hospital. RJD’s chief has been currently admitted to the hospital after chest pain complaint
Also Read: BJP afraid of Lalu, says Tejashwi
Nanda said that RJD has always stood by SP for supporting the party. “Laluji has stood by SP without any electoral interest and had earlier attended party events, too. I’ll carry a message of opposition unity on behalf of Akhilesh Yadav. The BJP government at the Centre has taken the country for a ride. Before the 2014 Lok Sabha poll, it had promised to double the income of farmers and give jobs to unemployed youths, but it hasn’t kept its promises. It is time for parties to come together,” Nanda said.