2015 do or die for Modi

One man who dominated in 2014, but will he dominates in 2015 as well? On recent form, one is not sure.

With everything beginning and ending with Government rules, India continues to search for her soul under the increasing onslaught of rising prices, cultural terrorism, intolerance, growing majority, Saffron Parivar’s ghar vapsi programmes and casteism, topped by more talk than action.

Yet, Modi remains the tallest leader with the people rooting for him as decisive. Startlingly, for reasons best known to him, Modi has still to address key developmental issues that continue to exercise people: education, health, Water, power and employment.

But few commentators were still willing to grant Mr Modi an election victory that would boost him to the top office of the country.

In 2015 Modi will have to decide whether he is willing to risk his party’s political fortunes for something that is even more vital the revival of India’s economy or the sidelining of the extremities of the Sangh who are sure to derail his “development” image.

Notably, the Prime Minister’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna and Make in India tag have still to take off.

It is very well to shout from rooftops that India is a thriving democracy abounding with total freedom. Alongside replacing German with Sanskrit in schools and rewriting Indian history is like turning the past on its head!

2015 will be make or brake year for Modi, but he also has to set limits on what he himself attempts to do. He can’t do anything as RSS leader or do things only states are equipped to deliver. But he has to define success as equipping states to succeed.