Two persons, including an in-charge of shooting range at the Hyderabad Central University (HCU), were arrested today after a spotted deer was allegedly killed near the shooting range building, police said.
Acting on specific information that a deer had been killed and its meat was being kept in a room, a police team raided the place near the shooting range at 4.30 PM and found the head and legs of a spotted deer, besides the meat of the animal cut into several pieces, Gachibowli Police Station Inspector J Ramesh Kumar told PTI.
“Two persons including the in-charge of the shooting range — Govind Rao and another person – Balu – were caught. Police also recovered a material through which the deer was supposed to have been trapped, besides seized skin and meat of the animal that were kept in a room,” Kumar said.
A veterinarian examined the flesh and other parts.
“Some of the parts of the deer’s body have been preserved and sent to FSL for further examination to ascertain more details,” the Inspector said.
The duo were booked under relevant sections of Wildlife Protection Act and handed over to the Forest department to take necessary action, he said, adding investigations were underway.