Chandigarh: The Haryana Police have seized over 2.35 lakh bottles of illicit liquor and over 1,983 kg of narcotics, including heroin, opium, poppy husk, ganja, smack and charas, in the run up to the May 12 Lok Sabha elections in the state.
Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Navdeep Singh Virk said on Monday that based on the intelligence inputs, the police has so far seized 140,290 bottles of country made liquor, 64,867 bottles of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), 18,566 bottles of beer and 11,792 bottles of illicit liquor.
“It also seized 898 kg ganja, 657 kg poppy husk, 1,710 gram herion, 13 kg opium, 302 gram smack, 7 kg charas, 1 kg sulfa, 384 kg green opium and 17 kg cocaine doda,” Virk said.
Besides, in addition to cash worth Rs over 76.17 lakh, police teams also seized counterfeit currency, he added.
“Our teams are continuing operations against illegal liquor, narcotics, cash, illegal weapons and any other activity that can hamper and disrupt the polling process.
“In order to maintain law and order in the state, 73,096 licensed arms have so far been deposited by people in police stations across Haryana,” he said.
Voting for the 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana will be held on May 12.